The Interim role at board level

Article By
James Cumming
James Cumming
Posted On17th January 2019
Posted On17th January 2019

Business change and transformation moved to centre stage following the recession and it’s remained there! Many businesses, particularly those who have lost talented staff at all levels, now have the opportunity for growth, but with a host of new challenges. These challenges include new competitors, technology and changing markets and businesses beginning to realise that they can’t “transform” gradually. They need to make a step change and that’s where the ‘Professional Interim Executive’ earns their money and reputation.

The vision

It starts with the CEO or a Chairman, who has the vision. Sometimes this individual is also an interim recruited by a parent company or arriving via private equity. But more frequently, it is someone internal who recognises the challenge and, whilst valuing the talents of their existing team, knows they need help. They are too embedded in the organisation to be able to take a fresh view without external help. Often, the first challenge for an interim at board level, is to convince senior colleagues that they are not there to ease them out. (Although sometimes that is necessary!) Their role is to help them take a fresh view of their business, the market, the customers and the operating processes. Then develop and implement new strategies that will make change happen immediately.


What has changed “post-recession” is the speed of change. Whilst businesses have always had change, there has been an acceptance that “change doesn’t happen overnight” and it can’t happen if the whole organisation isn’t on board. To use an analogy, “a long journey starts with a small step”. In 2014, that small step needed to be a leap, followed by a number of big steps, otherwise the change would falter and come to a halt.

In 2019, it is much of the same. Change is very important for businesses and bringing in an interim can help to make change happen quickly and effectively. It is even more fundamental now with all the uncertainty for businesses around Brexit.

The interim role

Businesses bring in interims at different levels in the organisation. Sometimes to lead particular projects, sometimes to fill vacancies during a recruitment process and sometimes because a function/departmental head has seen the need to “transform” their particular function. All valid reasons for recruiting an interim. But real change has to come from the top and that requires the main ‘change agent’ to be operating at the ‘Senior Leadership Team’ level. It doesn’t have to be the CEO, however, clearly the CEO has to be receptive and supportive.

It is an exciting time to be an interim. But it’s vital for the future and the reputation of the profession, that we recognise that whilst you need to be committed to any business you work with, as an interim you are not “part of the business”. You are there to give a fresh perspective. Once you begin to feel part of the business, it’s time to end the contract!

Paul Duncan is the founder of Duncan Paul Ltd, an experienced HR/Change Director and Business Expert. Paul provides consultancy providing strategic advice on the management of Change Management, Business Transformation, Business Strategy and Planning, Organisational Design and Development, and Employee Relations (Union Negotiation at all levels).

James Cumming is our MD and leads our HR practice. He has recruited senior HR professionals for over 15 years and has experience in finding niche HR talent. Connect with him on LinkedIn here.

If you would like to find out more about re:find and how we can support you and your business, then please get in touch.

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