Our latest featured blog is a series of videos from Gavin Russell, with his tips on how HR practitioners can improve their ability to be innovative. With over 20 years in talent transformation, Gavin has helped businesses ranging from small start-ups to multinational corporations rapidly evolve their approach to talent.
He has led major talent change programmes at Skype, Microsoft, Foxtel and DTZ and is the author of ‘Transformation Timebomb’, a business guidebook for the digital age. He holds certifications in Mastering Business Models, Value Propositions and Business Testing, as well as Design Thinking.
Gavin has given us his top 5 tips for HR practitioners on improving their ability to be innovative.
2. Make time to practice:
Skills can be learned – like training a muscle – you get better with practice.
But you wouldn’t attempt to run a marathon without training. And innovation is the new marathon for HR, you need to deliberately train your brain to improve creativity.
Things to remember:
Do it regularly and don’t worry about whether your ideas are good or bad, it’s about getting comfortable with a new skill.
Create the right environment and find what works for you.
Always carry a notebook/digital device to record inspiration.
Be aware of unconscious bias: let go of preconceptions, judgments and long-held beliefs. You need to recognise when assumptions stop your creativity.
You can find out more about what Gavin does on his website here.
James Cumming is our MD, Interim and Transformation Search specialist. Please get in contact with him directly to discuss any of these topics further.