Date: 31.07.24
Annual Slavery and Human Trafficking Report
This document is our Annual Slavery and Human Trafficking Report as required by Joint Schedule 5 of our agreement. This annual slavery and human trafficking report set out the steps we have taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of our supply chains or in any part of our business.
Please state your procedures to prevent this:
- We have a zero-tolerance view on any violation to anti-human trafficking and anti-modern slavery laws. If we found any breaches in our supply chain we would support them to ensure they comply.
- We carry out supplier pre-screening and ensure suppliers confirm their compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
- All our recruitment policies and practises are in line with relevant and up to date employment laws and DEI best practise.
- Employment policies are in place to protect staff from unfair treatment and to promote a fair and inclusive working environment.
- Modern slavery awareness training for staff.
- Wellbeing policies and support in place for all staff at all times.
Modern Slavery, Child Labour and Inhumane Treatment
Please confirm the following:
- Your company does not use, nor allow its Subcontractors to use forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour;
- Your company does not require any Supplier Staff or Subcontractor Staff to lodge deposits or identify papers with the Employer and shall be free to leave their employer after reasonable notice;
- Your company has not been convicted of any slavery or human trafficking offences anywhere around the world.
- Your company is not currently under investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings in relation to any allegation of slavery or human trafficking offenses anywhere around the world.
- Your company has undertaken measures to ensure that our officers, employees and Subcontractors have not been convicted of slavery or human trafficking offenses anywhere around the world.
- Your company maintain throughout the term of each Contract policies and procedures to ensure our compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and we include in our contracts with Subcontractors anti-slavery and human trafficking provisions;
- Your company has implemented due diligence procedures to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in any part of our supply chain performing obligations under a Contract;
- Your company does not use, nor allow its employees or Subcontractors to use physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation of its employees or Subcontractors;
- Your company does not use or allow child or slave labour to be used by its Subcontractors;
- In line with our procedures we will immediately report the discovery or suspicion of any slavery or trafficking by it or its Subcontractors to CCS, the Buyer and Modern Slavery Helpline.
I confirm my company is not in scope of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act (2015).
James Cumming
Managing Director