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We have a specialist business change executive search practice with over 30 years of experience. Led by James Cumming our Managing Director, he has been at the forefront of the change industry for over 15 years, working for recruitment leading brands before launching re:find Interim and Executive search in 2015. 

We work on some of the worlds most challenging and confidential projects to provide the senior resource needed. This includes both business transformation and technology driven change projects (typically centralisation or shared service programmes, divestments, M&A, technology implementation and organisational redesign.)

  • A proactive executive search process, focused on sourcing for business change talent, with a dedicated team of researchers and talent managers, our successful completion rate is over 95% on behalf of our clients which is industry leading
  • A confidential search process, typically operating under NDA, we specialise in sourcing for confidential and niche appointments
  • A collaborative search process. We utilise modern CRM system which enables our clients to see in real time the people we are talking to and their feedback on the brief. We also provide weekly progress updates
  • A holistic approach to sourcing for talent. We place a lot of emphasis on hiring for attitude, cultural fit and potential. Which is why our end to end assessment process is pivotal to our client’s hiring success.


Business Change | Change Communications | Transformation Leaders | Change Management | Project Management | Programme Management | Organisational Design | Business Analysis

recent hires

Interim Head of Change

Global Pharma Company

Head of EMEA IT

Global Pharma Company

Head of Change Management

Leading FS business

Transformation & Programme Lead

Global Retail Business

Head of Organisational Design

Leading Russell group university

Process Design Consultant

Leading Retailer

our Business change specialists

Our team of consultants focus on sourcing the best Strategy, Programme, & Change Management specialists.

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Check out our specialists FAQ page for everything you need to know to succeed.
Business change faq

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