When to Implement a Leadership Change for Business Growth

A senior leadership team plays a pivotal role in guiding an organisation towards success. Sometimes to achieve this success, a change of leadership at the top becomes necessary. Identifying this moment is crucial for the sustained health and growth of any company. Here, we explore the indicators that suggest it’s time to consider a change in your senior leadership team.

1. Stagnation in Performance

Business stagnation in performance refers to a period where a company experiences little to no growth.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as revenue, profit margins, market share, or other significant metrics, will show this.

This plateau can signal underlying issues that may lead to long-term detrimental effects on the company’s health and success.

A clear sign that a change may be needed is a noticeable stagnation or decline in the company’s performance. This could manifest as consistent underachievement of financial targets, loss of market share, or a decline in productivity.

Fluctuations in performance are normal, a persistent downward trend may indicate that the leadership’s strategies are no longer effective in the current business environment.

2. Loss of Vision and Direction could indicate a Change of Leadership is required

Leadership is as much about vision as it is about execution. If the senior team seems to lack a clear, strategic direction or fails to communicate a compelling vision for the future, it may signal the need for new leadership. A fresh perspective can rejuvenate the company’s strategy and re-align the organisation with its core objectives and values.

The loss of vision and direction refers to a situation where a company no longer has a clear or coherent strategy guiding its operations, growth, and long-term objectives. This can manifest in various ways and have significant implications for the company’s success and sustainability. Below are key aspects that illustrate what loss of vision and direction entails and its potential impacts on a business:

2.1 Lack of Clear Objectives

Without a clear vision, a company might struggle to set and pursue meaningful objectives. This can lead to a lack of focus in its operations. And then, making it difficult for the business to allocate resources effectively or pursue opportunities that align with its core competencies and long-term goals.

2.2 Difficulty in Decision Making

A clear vision and direction facilitate decision-making processes by providing a framework against which options can be evaluated. Without this clarity, decision-making can become inconsistent, reactive, and lacking in strategic focus. This can lead to missed opportunities or misallocated resources.

2.3 Eroding Competitive Edge

A well-defined vision often includes elements of differentiation that set a company apart from its competitors. Losing sight of this unique value proposition can result in a business that struggles to stand out in the marketplace, affecting its ability to attract and retain customers.

2.4 Demotivation Among Employees

Vision and direction are crucial for employee motivation and engagement. They provide team members with a sense of purpose and belonging. Without a clear vision, employees may feel disconnected, unsure of their contributions towards the company’s goals, leading to lower productivity and higher turnover rates.

2.5 Misalignment of Efforts can mean a Change of Leadership is required

A strong vision ensures that all aspects of the company—from its product development and marketing strategies to its customer service and internal processes—are aligned towards a common goal. The loss of vision can lead to disjointed efforts, where departments or teams work in silos, undermining the company’s overall effectiveness and efficiency.

2.6 Strained Stakeholder Relations

Investors, partners, and customers often engage with a company based on its vision and the promise of what it aims to achieve. When a company loses its direction, it can erode trust and confidence among these key stakeholders, potentially leading to reduced investment, partnerships, and customer loyalty.

2.7 Inability to Adapt

A clear vision includes a forward-looking component, anticipating changes in the market and adapting accordingly. The loss of vision and direction can make a company less agile, slowing its response to industry trends, technological advancements, or shifts in consumer behavior, which can place it at a competitive disadvantage.

3. Resistance to Change

In today’s fast-paced world, adaptability is key. If your leadership team is resistant to change or slow to respond to industry shifts, technological advancements, or changes in consumer behaviour, it could be detrimental to your business. A leadership team that embraces change, seeks innovation, and is willing to pivot strategies when necessary is vital for long-term success.

4. Erosion of Company Culture can Result in a Change of Leadership

If there’s a noticeable decline in employee morale, engagement, or an increase in turnover, particularly among high performers, it might be a reflection of leadership issues. A change at the top can help to reset the culture, align it with the company’s values, and boost morale.

5. Deterioration in Stakeholder Confidence

Confidence from stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees, is fundamental. If stakeholders express concerns about the company’s direction or leadership’s decisions, it’s important to take notice. Losing stakeholder confidence can have a severe impact on the company’s reputation, financial health, and operational stability.

6. Lack of Succession Planning

A forward-thinking leadership team will have a clear plan for succession to ensure the company’s resilience and continuity. If there’s a lack of focus on developing internal talent or identifying potential future leaders, it may indicate a need for change. Effective succession planning is a hallmark of robust leadership and organisational health.

Conclusion about Change of Leadership

Deciding to change your senior leadership team is not a decision to be taken lightly. It requires a thoughtful assessment of the current leadership’s effectiveness, the company’s performance, and the broader industry context. Recognising and acting upon the need for change can be a transformative step, paving the way for renewed success and growth. As such, it’s imperative for companies to remain vigilant, assessing their leadership effectiveness regularly and being prepared to make tough decisions when necessary for the greater good of the organisation.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

Please visit our website to see more of our knowledge hub: https://refind.co.uk/


How to have Productive Leadership Meetings

Productive leadership meetings are the linchpin of organisational success. To help you plan for that success, we delve into the nuances of how to have productive leadership meetings, and exploring strategies to enhance collaboration, decision-making, and overall team productivity.

Setting the Stage for Success: Planning and Preparation

Successful leadership meetings start with meticulous planning and preparation. As part of that preparation, it is important to ensure that the agenda is clear, concise, and aligned with the overarching goals of the organisation.

A well-structured agenda ensures that the meeting stays focused on crucial topics, enhancing the chances of productive discussions.

Engaging Leadership: Fostering Participation and Inclusivity

The meetings are not one-sided conversations. Encouraging active participation from all team members fosters a culture of inclusivity and collaboration.

Encouraging Participation for Success

Leaders should create an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their opinions and ideas, contributing to a diverse range of perspectives.

Utilising Technology for Seamless Collaboration

Technology plays a pivotal role in fostering seamless collaboration during meetings. So think about technologies such as video conferencing tools, collaborative platforms, and real-time document sharing enhance communication and decision-making.

Effective Decision-Making: From Discussion to Action

It’s not just about talking; it’s about making decisions that drive the organisation forward. A structured decision-making process ensures that outcomes are clear, actionable, and aligned with strategic goals.

Decisive Leadership: Turning Discussions into Actionable Outcomes

Leaders should guide the team through a logical decision-making process, considering all relevant factors and ensuring that decisions are communicated effectively.

Time Management

In the fast-paced business environment, time is a precious commodity. Successful leadership meetings are well-paced, ensuring that discussions are thorough without unnecessary delays.

Leaders should be mindful of the agenda, allocate time effectively, and keep the meeting on track to respect everyone’s time.

Encouraging Innovation: Creating a Culture of Creative Exchange

Leadership meetings provide a platform for fostering innovation and creative thinking. Encouraging team members to share innovative ideas contributes to continuous improvement and adaptability.

Building Relationships: The Human Element

Beyond the business agenda, successful leadership meetings recognise the importance of building strong interpersonal relationships. Team-building exercises, casual conversations, and acknowledging achievements contribute to a positive team dynamic.

Relationship-Driven Leadership: Nurturing Bonds in Meetings

Leaders should invest time in cultivating a positive team culture, promoting camaraderie and mutual respect.

Continuous Improvement: Learning from Past Meetings

Post-meeting evaluations are crucial for ongoing success. Leaders should gather feedback, assess what worked well and what can be improved, and implement changes for future meetings.

Key Phrase: Evolving Leadership Meetings: The Power of Continuous Improvement

Related Blog: How to Conduct Effective Post-Meeting Evaluations

Overcoming Challenges: Common Hurdles in Leadership Meetings

By addressing common issues such as lack of engagement, conflicting opinions, or technology glitches, you will be showing proactive leadership and effective problem-solving.

Leaders should be prepared to address challenges promptly, maintaining the flow and productivity of the meeting.

Remote Leadership Meetings: Bridging the Distance Effectively

In an increasingly remote working landscape, leadership meetings often take place virtually. Leaders must adapt their strategies to ensure that remote meetings are as effective as those held in person.

Conclusion: A Blueprint for Success in Leadership Meetings

Our conclusion? Successful leadership meetings are a strategic imperative for organisational growth and cohesion. By meticulously planning agendas, fostering participation, leveraging technology, making informed decisions, and continuously improving, leaders can transform meetings into powerful drivers of success.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

How to Prepare for a Senior Leadership Interview

If you’ve ever aspired to climb the corporate ladder and secure a senior leadership role, you’ll know that the journey isn’t just about meeting the qualifications on paper. It also involves acing the interview that can make or break your career. The process of preparing for a senior leadership role interview requires meticulous planning, self-assessment, and a clear understanding of what’s expected from you in such a high-stakes situation. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of interview preparation, offering guidance on how to excel and secure your dream leadership position.

The Importance of Preparation

Why Preparation Helps

A key part of the preparation process is understanding why it’s so crucial. Adequate preparation not only boosts your confidence but also demonstrates your commitment to the role. When you enter the interview room well-prepared, you send a clear message to the interviewers that you’re serious about the position and have the skills necessary to excel in it.

Internalise the Job Description

One of the first steps in your interview preparation journey is to thoroughly understand the job description. Ensure that you can align your skills, experience, and personal attributes with the specific requirements of the role. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to showcase how you are the perfect fit for the job.

Research the Company

Studying the company’s history, culture, and recent achievements is another vital aspect of preparation. Demonstrating knowledge about the company and its values will highlight your genuine interest and commitment.

How to Prepare

Now that you understand the importance of preparation, let’s move on to the “how.” Effective preparation for a senior leadership role interview involves several key steps:


Before diving into the interview preparation process, take a moment to reflect on your career journey and your personal leadership style. What are your strengths, weaknesses, and values? Understanding yourself is essential to articulating your unique leadership approach during the interview.

Set Clear Objectives

Define your goals for the interview. What impression do you want to leave on the interviewers? What key points do you want to emphasise? Setting clear objectives will help you stay focused during the interview.

Practice, Practice, Practice

One of the most effective ways to prepare is by practicing your responses to potential interview questions. Seek out a trusted friend or colleague who can conduct a mock interview, providing you with valuable feedback.

Dress the Part

Don’t underestimate the power of appearance. Ensure you dress professionally and appropriately for the position you’re interviewing for. First impressions matter, and dressing the part is a step toward making a strong initial impact.

Ways of Preparing

While there are several ways to prepare for a senior leadership role interview, it’s essential to choose the methods that work best for you. Here are some common approaches:

Online Resources

Numerous online resources offer valuable insights into interview preparation. Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor provide information on common leadership interview questions and tips on how to answer them.


Consider reading books on leadership and interview techniques. “The Art of Possibility” by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander and “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek are great options to expand your leadership knowledge.

Professional Coaching

If you’re seeking personalised guidance, you might benefit from hiring a professional interview coach. They can provide targeted feedback and help you refine your interview skills.

Examples of Leadership Interview Questions

In any interview, you should be prepared to answer a variety of questions. For a senior leadership role interview, questions may revolve around your experience, leadership style, and decision-making abilities. Here are some common examples:

  1. Tell us about your leadership experience.
  2. How do you handle conflict within your team?
  3. Describe a challenging decision you’ve made and its outcome?
  4. What is your vision for the company, and how will you implement it?

It’s essential to anticipate these questions and formulate thoughtful, concise responses that highlight your qualifications and suitability for the role.

How to Give the Best Answers

Nailing the interview isn’t just about what questions you’re asked; it’s also about how you answer them. Here are some tips for providing the best responses:

STAR Method

When answering behavioral questions, consider using the STAR method:

  • Situation: Describe the context or situation.
  • Task: Explain the specific task or challenge you faced.
  • Action: Describe the actions you took.
  • Result: Share the outcomes and results of your actions.

This structured approach helps you provide comprehensive answers.

Be Specific

Use concrete examples from your past experiences to support your claims. Specifics make your answers more convincing and memorable.

Stay Positive

Even when discussing challenges or failures, maintain a positive tone. Emphasise what you learned from those experiences and how they’ve made you a stronger leader.

What If You Struggle with Questions?

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, and it’s not uncommon to struggle with certain questions. Here’s what to do if you find yourself stumped:

Pause and Think

Don’t rush to answer a question. Take a moment to collect your thoughts and structure your response. A brief pause is much better than an incomplete or unclear answer.

Seek Clarification

If you don’t fully understand a question, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. It’s better to ensure you’re answering the right question than to give an off-topic response.

Practice Active Listening

Active listening during the interview is crucial. Make sure you fully understand the question before you respond. If you’re unsure, repeat the question or ask for confirmation.

How to Stand Out

To stand out in a senior leadership role interview, you need to leave a lasting impression. Here are some strategies to help you shine:

Share Unique Insights

Offer fresh, original perspectives on industry trends, challenges, and opportunities. Interviewers appreciate candidates who bring innovative ideas to the table.

Emphasise Cultural Fit

Highlight your alignment with the company’s culture and values. Showcase your ability to seamlessly integrate into the existing team.

Showcase Emotional Intelligence

Demonstrate your emotional intelligence by showing empathy, self-awareness, and the ability to build strong relationships. These soft skills are highly valued in leadership positions.

Tips for Success

Achieving success in interviews involves a combination of factors. Here are some additional tips to ensure you make the most of your opportunity:

Confidence and Humility

Strike a balance between confidence and humility. You should exude confidence in your abilities while remaining open to learning and collaboration.

Elevator Pitch

Prepare a concise and compelling elevator pitch that highlights your strengths, values, and what sets you apart as a leader.

Ask Questions

Towards the end of the interview, be prepared to ask insightful questions about the role and the company. This shows your genuine interest and engagement.

Staying Calm Under Pressure

Maintaining composure during a senior leadership role interview can be challenging. Here’s how to stay calm under pressure:

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Before the interview, engage in relaxation techniques like deep breathing and visualisation to calm your nerves.


Practice mindfulness to stay present during the interview. Focus on the questions and your responses without getting overwhelmed by anxiety.

Positive Self-Talk

Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your qualifications and your value to the organisation.

Correcting Errors or Answers

If you make a mistake or feel you could have answered a question better, don’t be afraid to correct it:

Acknowledge the Mistake

If you recognise an error in your response, acknowledge it and clarify your intended answer.

Maintain Confidence

Correcting an answer doesn’t have to diminish your confidence. It can actually demonstrate your commitment to providing accurate and well-thought-out responses.

Learn from Mistakes

View any errors as learning opportunities. Use them to refine your interview skills and improve for future interviews.

In conclusion, preparing for a senior leadership role interview is a multi-faceted process that demands dedication and self-reflection. By understanding the importance of preparation, learning how to prepare effectively, and mastering the art of answering interview questions, you can increase your chances of securing your desired leadership position. Remember, success in interviews is not just about showcasing your qualifications but also about demonstrating your leadership potential and your ability to thrive in a senior role. With these tips and strategies, you can confidently embark on your journey to becoming a senior leader in your organisation. Good luck!


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

Reducing Stress in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s no secret that workplaces can often be hubs of tension and anxiety. As the demands of our jobs rise, so do our stress levels. But why is it so important to tackle this issue head-on to reduce stress in the workplace, and how can we ensure our work environment promotes well-being and productivity? Let’s delve into the world of ‘reducing stress in the workplace’.

Workplaces: A Breeding Ground for Stress

Some industries and professions are naturally more stressful than others. Let’s explore a few:

  1. Healthcare: Medical professionals, be it doctors, nurses, or paramedics, face high-pressure situations daily. Dealing with life and death scenarios can take its toll.
  2. Law Enforcement: Police officers and detectives often encounter dangerous situations and must make split-second decisions that can have long-lasting impacts.
  3. Financial Services: Stockbrokers, for example, deal with vast amounts of money and need to make rapid decisions in a fluctuating market.
  4. Journalism: Deadlines, the hunt for a breaking story, and navigating through challenging terrains can be stressful for journalists.

Why Reducing Stress in the Workplace is Crucial

Stress isn’t just an individual’s problem; it’s an organisational concern. Here’s why addressing workplace stress is essential:

  1. Health Implications: Chronic stress is linked to numerous health issues, including heart disease, insomnia, and weakened immune systems.
  2. Productivity: Excessive stress can lead to decreased concentration and mistakes. This impacts both individual performance and the company’s bottom line.
  3. Retention Rates: High-stress levels lead to increased staff turnover, with companies facing the additional cost of hiring and training new employees.

Effective Strategies to Reduce Stress in the Workplace

Knowing the problem is only half the battle. Implementing solutions is key. Here are some strategies that organisations can employ:

  1. Flexible Working Hours: This allows employees to manage their time effectively, balancing work and personal commitments.
  2. Breaks: Encourage regular breaks. Even a short 5-minute walk can help in resetting and refreshing one’s mind.
  3. Open Communication Channels: Staff should feel they can talk about their concerns or challenges without fear of retribution.
  4. Professional Development: Training programmes that equip employees with the skills they need can reduce task-related stress.

Assessing Stress Levels in the Workplace

It’s crucial to understand the stress levels within an organisation. Here’s how to gauge:

  1. Surveys: Anonymous employee surveys can help gauge the overall mood and stress levels.
  2. Open Door Policy: When employees know they can speak freely with managers or HR, it’s easier to understand and address underlying issues.
  3. Monitor Absenteeism: Frequent sick leaves can be an indicator of high stress or burnout.
  4. Feedback Sessions: Regular feedback sessions can provide insights into areas causing undue stress.

Case Study: The XYZ Company Transformation

XYZ Company, a tech startup, was facing a high employee turnover rate in 2020. An internal survey revealed that 70% of the staff were experiencing high stress, mainly due to unrealistic deadlines and lack of clear communication from the management.

In 2021, the company implemented changes, such as flexible work hours, professional training sessions, and regular team-building activities. By mid-2022, not only did the turnover rate decrease by 40%, but the company also witnessed a 25% increase in overall productivity.

The Bright Side: Benefits of a Stress-free Workplace

A workplace that actively works to reduce stress enjoys numerous benefits:

  1. Higher Productivity: A stress-free employee is more likely to be focused, motivated, and efficient.
  2. Better Team Dynamics: Reduced stress levels often lead to improved collaboration and teamwork.
  3. Increased Loyalty: Employees are more likely to stay with a company that values their well-being.
  4. Enhanced Reputation: In the age of reviews and online forums, a company’s reputation as an employer matters. A stress-free environment can be a significant draw for top talent.


Stress in the workplace isn’t just an employee’s concern; it affects the very fabric of an organisation. Recognising the signs and actively implementing measures to counteract stress is not just a ‘nice-to-have’ but a necessity in today’s corporate landscape. As the case study demonstrates, the transformation from a high-stress environment to a supportive and understanding one can yield tangible, positive results. Reducing stress in the workplace isn’t a choice; it’s imperative.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

New Year, New Me? New Year Resolutions for Businesses

The start of a new year often heralds a period of reflection and reinvention, and New Years Resolutions.

For individuals, this might translate into personal commitments and aspirations. However, businesses are not exempt from this ritual. In fact, as the calendar year nears its end, many companies are already asking, “New Year, New Me?”.

Here we delve into the trend of businesses making New Years Resolutions:

The Tradition of New Year Resolutions

Historically, New Year’s resolutions date back to the Babylonians, who made promises to their gods at the start of each year. These promises often revolved around returning borrowed items and paying off debts. In today’s age, tradition has evolved but the essence remains: setting goals for positive change.

Why Businesses Can’t Ignore New Year Resolutions

Just as individuals pledge to eat healthier or read more books, companies might decide to enhance customer relations, increase profitability, or launch a new product line. The principle remains the same: improvement and progress.

  1. Growth and Expansion: For businesses looking to scale, the new year could mark the beginning of tapping into new markets, exploring diverse product lines, or even mergers and acquisitions.
  2. Strengthening Customer Relations: Modern businesses understand the importance of a loyal customer base. Thus, the new year is an opportunity to roll out loyalty programmes, enhance customer service, or introduce community engagement initiatives.
  3. Sustainability: With rising awareness about environmental issues, many businesses are opting for sustainable practices. Come 2024, we could see more firms vowing to reduce their carbon footprint or eliminate plastic from their operations.

Planning is Key

The allure of the New Year is strong, but successful resolutions are built on foresight and preparation. Here’s why and how businesses should start planning their resolutions well in advance:

  1. Market Analysis: Before setting any goals, businesses need to have their fingers on the pulse of the market. Understanding evolving consumer behaviours, emerging trends, and potential disruptors can guide goal setting.
  2. Feedback Integration: End-of-year feedback from clients, stakeholders, and employees can provide invaluable insights. Harnessing this information can shape the resolutions for the coming year.
  3. Resource Allocation: Whether it’s hiring new talent, purchasing equipment, or investing in training, businesses need to ensure they have the necessary resources to fulfil their resolutions.

Personal Resolutions Within a Professional Framework

New Year’s resolutions aren’t exclusive to business entities. Employees, irrespective of their designation or role, can draft their own set of professional resolutions. By aligning personal goals with organisational objectives, employees can find a harmonious blend of personal and professional growth.

  1. Skill Development: With industries constantly evolving, employees might resolve to learn a new skill, attend workshops, or pursue further education.
  2. Networking: Building a robust professional network can open doors to opportunities. Attending more industry events or joining professional organisations might be on the cards for many.
  3. Wellness and Work-life Balance: Burnout is a real concern. Employees could aim for a healthier work-life balance, integrating wellness routines into their daily life.

Case Studies: Resolutions That Transformed Businesses

Let’s delve into some real-life examples where resolutions have made a noticeable difference:

  1. Company A’s Green Pledge: Starting 2022, Company A, a renowned beverage manufacturer, pledged to go plastic-free. Through extensive planning in 2021, they rolled out glass bottles in 2022. Not only did this move enhance their brand image, but it also led to increased sales.
  2. Company B’s Focus on Mental Health: Recognising the rising concerns around mental health, Company B, a tech giant, introduced mandatory wellness breaks and counselling sessions for employees in 2023. This boosted employee morale, reduced sick leaves, and enhanced overall productivity.

In Conclusion

New Year’s resolutions for businesses aren’t just a trend. They’re an essential introspection tool, guiding companies towards sustainable growth. While 2024 awaits with its set of challenges and opportunities, preparedness, backed by resolutions, can set the stage for a prosperous year ahead.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe
that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term
partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients,
providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best
talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique
and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment.
That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the
specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a
full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service.
As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your
organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and
experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

Choosing the Right Candidate for Your Company

Choosing the right candidate for your company is an art and a science. It’s about understanding the specific needs of your business and merging them with the right human qualities. And so, this guide provides us with some knowledge to make well-informed choices, ensuring that your selected candidate is not only qualified but is also a genuine asset.

1. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

It’s paramount to cultivate a diverse and inclusive workforce, which reflects varied experiences and perspectives. By focusing on:

  • Equality: Ensure equal opportunity for all applicants, irrespective of their background.
  • Diversity: Embrace candidates with different life experiences, cultures, and viewpoints.
  • Inclusion: Make certain all employees feel valued and included.
  • Unconscious bias: Train your team to recognise and avoid unintentional prejudices that may affect hiring decisions.

2. Fit for the Current Team

A candidate could appear great on paper, but it’s crucial that they get along with the existing team. With that in mind, how do we ensure we are choosing the right candidate for your company?

  • Company culture: Will the candidate thrive in the company’s current cultural environment?
  • Team dynamics: Consider team compatibility, ensuring a harmonious blend of personalities.

3. Fairness in Recruitment

A just recruitment process is key to ensuring every candidate gets a fair chance:

  • Use structured interviews with consistent questions for all.
  • Establish a clear criterion to evaluate each applicant.
  • Ensure multiple stakeholders are involved in the decision-making.

4. A Robust Recruitment Process

A systematic recruitment process guarantees efficiency with choosing the right candidate for your company:

  • Job description clarity: Detail the required skills, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Multiple interview stages: One way of helping is to incorporate methods such as panel interviews, practical tests, or group exercises (but obviously not being too long winded or over the top) which then in turn helps with the selection process.

5. Utilising Headhunters or Recruitment Companies

Considering professionals can save you time and yield better results:

  • They have a vast network of candidates.
  • They can pre-screen candidates, ensuring only the best reach you.
  • They can offer industry insights and salary benchmarking.

6. Researching and Interviewing the Candidate

Thorough research and well-structured interviews yield fruitful outcomes:

  • Social media checks: LinkedIn will offer insights into their professional history.
  • Right questions: Ask situational questions to gauge their problem-solving skills.
  • Ask for examples: Let candidates show their achievements with real-life situations they’ve handled.

7. Recognising Transferable Skills and Trainability

Not all skills are listed on a CV, and some can be developed with ease:

  • Transferable skills: Attributes like problem-solving, team management, and communication often transfer across industries.
  • Trainability: Some technical skills can be taught. Gauge a candidate’s willingness and capacity to learn new things.


Choosing the right candidate is a blend of understanding your company’s needs, ensuring a fair and inclusive process, and recognising the potential in individuals. By adhering to these principles, you’re setting your business up for a brighter future filled with dedicated, diverse, and skilled professionals.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

How to Best Find a New Job in Leadership

Whether you’re an experienced leader or someone eager to climb the corporate ladder, finding a new job in a leadership role is a journey. It requires the right mix of introspection, strategy, and action. This guide will walk you through the steps to help you land that coveted leadership role.

1. Knowing when the time is right to move on

It’s essential to recognise when it’s time to move on from your current position. Here are some signs:

  • You’ve outgrown your current role.
  • There’s limited room for growth or new challenges.
  • You feel undervalued or unsatisfied with your work environment.

Trust your instincts. If you consistently feel like it’s time for a change, it likely is.

2. Searching for a new job in leadership

There are various platforms to find a new job in leadership:

  • Job boards: Sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Reed.co.uk often have a plethora of leadership roles.
  • Networking: Join professional groups and associations related to your industry.
  • Recruitment agencies: Many specialise in senior roles and leadership positions.

Before diving in, take these preparatory steps:

  • Update your CV: Highlight achievements, leadership roles, and significant projects.
  • LinkedIn: Ensure your profile is updated, professional, and mirrors your CV.
  • Research: Understand the current market, industry trends, and the skills in demand.

4. Choosing the right companies to apply for

Not all companies will align with your values or career goals. Research each potential employer by:

  • Reviewing their website and mission statement.
  • Checking employee reviews on platforms like Glassdoor.
  • Understanding the company culture and growth potential.

5. How to best prepare for an interview

Once you’ve landed an interview, preparation is key:

  • Research the company: Know its history, challenges, competitors, and up-to-date news.
  • Practice common leadership interview questions: This will help you articulate your thoughts clearly.
  • Plan your outfit: Dressing professionally makes a positive first impression.

6. How to stand out for the job

Standing out is more than just having the required skills:

  • Show passion: Be enthusiastic about the role and the company.
  • Showcase achievements: Quantify results whenever possible.
  • Ask thoughtful questions: This demonstrates your genuine interest and thorough preparation.

7. Knowing if a company is the right fit for you

Securing a job offer is exciting, but it’s equally essential to ensure the company is a good fit:

  • Company culture: Does the environment align with your values?
  • Growth opportunities: Will there be room for professional advancement?
  • Work-life balance: Does the company promote a healthy balance or expect constant overtime?

Remember, an interview is as much about them getting to know you as it is about you getting to know them.


Finding a new leadership role requires time, patience, and strategy. By knowing when it’s time to move on, searching in the right places, preparing thoroughly, and ensuring a company aligns with your goals, you can find a job that not only matches your skills but also brings joy and satisfaction. Happy job hunting!


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

The Future of Work in the Next 10 Years?

The world of work is always changing. Every year, new technology, changing attitudes, and global events shape the way we work. But what will the next decade bring? Let’s dive into the future of work and see what predictions we’re hearing already for the next 10 years.

1. More Remote Work

One thing we’ve learnt recently is that many jobs can be done from home. Thanks to the internet and tools like video calls, many of us can work from anywhere. Regarding the future of work in the next 10 years, experts reckon that even more of us will be working from home or from other places, not just the office.

2. Learning all the Time

With new tech and tools coming out all the time, we’ll all need to keep learning. This means that ongoing training will be a big part of most jobs. So, get ready to be a student for life as the future of work changes.

3. Well-being at Work

People are understanding more and more that happy workers do better work. Companies will focus on making sure their staff are happy, healthy, and feel good at work. This could mean more breaks, better workspaces, or even things like yoga classes.

4. Green Jobs

As we all try to look after our planet better, there’ll be more jobs in green industries in the future of work. This could be things like making clean energy, designing eco-friendly products, or helping companies be greener.

5. Robots and People Working Together

Some people worry that robots will take all the jobs. But many experts think that robots will work alongside us. This means we might work with machines, using them to help us do our jobs better.

6. Flexibility will be Key

The 9-to-5 workday might become a thing of the past. More companies will let people choose when and where they work. This is great news for people who like to work at different times or in different places.

7. More Teamwork

In the future, many of us will work in teams more often. This means we’ll need to be good at working with other people, understanding their ideas, and sharing our own.

To Wrap Up

The future of work sounds exciting, right? There’ll be challenges, of course, but also loads of new opportunities. One thing is for sure – the world of work will keep changing, and we’ll all need to be ready to change with it.

Looking for more insights into the world of work? Keep an eye on our blogs and posts for the latest news and trends.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

Red Flags in Recruitment: How to Identify and Respond to Potential Issues During the Hiring Process

Recruiting the right people for your team is essential. However, during the hiring process, you might come across some warning signs, or ‘red flags’, that suggest a candidate might not be a suitable fit. Recognising and addressing these red flags can save a lot of time, money, and potential issues down the line. In my blog, we will explore some of the most common red flags to look out for and how you can respond to them effectively.

1. The Importance of a Sound Recruitment Process

Before diving into the specifics, it’s worth noting why having a good recruitment process is so crucial. Every new hire represents not just a financial investment but also a potential addition to your company culture and the overall dynamic of your team. A mismatch can disrupt the workflow, affect team morale, and result in a waste of resources.

2. Common Red Flags During Recruitment

a. CV Inconsistencies: Always check for inconsistencies or gaps in employment on a CV. While it’s common to have short breaks, exceptionally long gaps might need further probing unless they are adequately explained.

b. Vague Responses: If a candidate is evasive or gives vague answers to direct questions, it’s a cause for concern. You want employees who are transparent and straightforward.

c. Lack of Preparation: A candidate who doesn’t know much about your company or the role they’re applying for might not be genuinely interested in the position.

d. Negative Talk About Previous Employers: Everyone might have had a job or boss they didn’t particularly like, but openly bad-mouthing them in an interview is unprofessional.

e. Frequent Job Hopping: While some movement between jobs can be a sign of ambition or seeking better opportunities, frequent job changes can indicate a lack of commitment or persistence.

3. How to Address These Red Flags

a. Open Communication: If something on a CV or in an interview doesn’t add up, ask about it. Sometimes there’s a valid explanation that might not be immediately apparent.

b. Reference Checks: Always check references. Past employers or colleagues can provide invaluable insights into the candidate’s work habits, strengths, and areas of improvement.

c. Trial Periods: Consider offering a short-term contract or probation period. This can allow both the company and the candidate to evaluate if it’s a good fit.

4. Using Technology to Aid Recruitment

In the digital age, there are numerous tools and platforms that can help identify potential red flags:

a. Background Check Platforms: Websites like ‘The Background Checker’ can provide a quick overview of a candidate’s past, including any potential legal issues. And of course, a Criminal Records Check if appropriate.

b. Social Media Screening: While it’s essential to respect privacy, a candidate’s public social media profiles can give an insight into their character and professionalism.

c. Video Interviews: Platforms like Zoom or Skype can be invaluable, especially if you’re recruiting remotely. They offer more personal interaction than a phone call.

5. The Balance Between Trust and Caution

While it’s crucial to be vigilant, it’s equally important not to become overly suspicious. Everyone can have an off day or a job they regret. The key is to find a balance between trusting your instincts and giving candidates a fair chance.

6. Conclusion

Recruitment is never an exact science. However, by being aware of potential red flags and having strategies in place to address them, you can significantly increase the chances of finding the perfect fit for your team.

Remember, it’s not just about qualifications and experience. Company culture, team dynamics, and personal attributes play a massive role in determining the right candidate. It’s always better to spend a little more time during the recruitment process than to rush and regret later.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

The Role of a Chief People Officer in Today’s Business Landscape

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, the role of a Chief People Officer, is more important than ever. The Chief People Officer (CPO) is a key executive who is responsible for managing a company’s most valuable asset – its people. In this article, we’ll explore the role of a CPO and why it’s essential for businesses to have one.

Who is a Chief People Officer?

A Chief People Officer is a senior executive who is responsible for developing and executing HR strategies that support the overall business objectives. The role of a CPO has evolved significantly over the years, from being a traditional HR head to a strategic business partner who helps drive organisational success. The CPO works closely with the CEO and executive team to align HR policies with the company’s vision and mission.

What are the responsibilities of a Chief People Officer?

The role of a Chief People Officer is wide-ranging and varied, depending on the company’s size and industry. Here are some of the key responsibilities of a CPO:

Developing HR strategies that align with the company’s goals and objectives.

Creating a culture of innovation and collaboration that supports employee engagement and retention.

Identifying and addressing talent gaps within the organisation.

Developing and implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

Managing employee compensation and benefits programs.

Developing and delivering training programs that support employee development and growth.

Ensuring compliance with all HR-related laws and regulations.

Why is a Chief People Officer important?

Having a CPO is critical for any business that wants to attract and retain top talent. The role of a Chief People Officer can help create a workplace culture that supports employee engagement, which can lead to higher productivity, lower turnover rates, and increased profitability. A CPO can also help companies navigate the complex landscape of HR regulations and compliance issues, ensuring that the organisation stays in line with all applicable laws and regulations.

How can we help to get this right?

As an executive search business specialising in HR recruitment, we use various tools and strategies to differentiate between an average and a highly talented Chief People Officer (CPO).

From an executive search perspective, managing the process of differentiating between an average and a highly talented CPO involves a structured and rigorous approach. This includes identifying the key competencies and experience required for the role, developing a job description that accurately reflects these requirements, identifying a diverse pool of candidates, and using a range of assessment tools and techniques to evaluate each candidate’s suitability for the role.

By following a well-structured process, we can help our clients identify the best candidate for the role and ensure that they make the right hiring decision.

Industry expertise: Our Managing Director James Cumming has worked in senior HR appointments for over 15 years. We have in-depth knowledge of the HR industry and the latest HR trends and best practices. We can use this expertise to assess a candidate’s knowledge of the HR landscape, their ability to innovate and adapt to change, and their understanding of how HR can contribute to overall business success.

Behavioral interviewing: One of the most effective ways to assess a CPO’s skills and competencies is through behavioral interviewing. This technique involves asking candidates to provide specific examples of how they’ve handled past HR-related challenges, such as talent management, culture development, and compliance issues. By digging deep into a candidate’s past experiences, we can gain a better understanding of their problem-solving skills, leadership style, and strategic thinking abilities.

Assessment tools: We also use a range of assessment tools to evaluate a CPO’s competencies, personality traits, and work style. These tools can include psychometric tests, cognitive ability tests, and personality assessments. By analysing the results of these tests, we can gain a more objective view of a candidate’s potential fit for a role.

Reference checking: Another critical tool we use to differentiate between an average and a highly talented CPO is reference checking. We reach out to the candidate’s former bosses, colleagues, and subordinates to gain insight into their work ethic, management style, and overall performance. Reference checking can provide a more comprehensive view of a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and help us determine if they would be a good fit for our client’s organisation.

Our focus on long-term partnerships

At re:find we believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

We understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. We take the time to understand your organization’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information please get in contact with our Managing Director, James Cumming.