Emerging Markets within the Aviation Industry

Diving into the aviation industry within emerging markets. This is a bit like embarking on an exhilarating journey to an unknown destination. It’s full of potential but not without its fair share of turbulence. Especially when it comes to the all-important aspect of finding and hiring the right crew to navigate these skies. So, let’s have a natter about the challenges organisations face and the savvy ways they’re overcoming them, shall we?

The Talent Turbulence

Imagine you’re at the helm of an aviation company looking to expand into, say, Southeast Asia or Africa. The view from the cockpit is promising. There is rising demand for air travel and burgeoning middle classes with disposable income. And, less saturated skies than in the West.

But there’s a catch. Where do you find skilled professionals to fly your planes, manage your operations, and maintain your fleet?

The first hurdle is the sheer shortage of qualified personnel. Aviation requires an extremely specific set of skills. From, pilots trained in the right aircraft types to engineers and safety inspectors who know their stuff inside out. In emerging markets, where the aviation sector is just… well, emerging, there might not be a deep pool of local talent to dip into.

Then there’s the issue of regulations and standards. Each country has its own rules of the air, and navigating these can be as tricky as a night landing in fog. Training staff to meet both local and international safety standards is a task that’s both critical and costly.

Having the right Leadership

Ah, the power of a strong senior leadership team in the aviation industry, especially when venturing into the bustling skies of emerging markets, cannot be overstated. It’s like having an experienced pilot and co-pilot in the cockpit during a particularly tricky landing; their expertise, foresight, and ability to navigate through turbulence are invaluable. Let’s delve into why the right leadership team is critical for steering through the unique challenges and opportunities these markets present.

1. Navigating through Turbulence

First off, emerging markets are a mixed bag of incredible opportunities tempered by equally daunting challenges. From fluctuating economic conditions and regulatory landscapes to cultural nuances and infrastructure gaps, the terrain is tricky. A seasoned leadership team brings a wealth of experience and a steady hand to the controls, guiding the organisation through these uncertainties with strategic decision-making and risk management.

2. Setting the Course

A robust senior leadership team sets the strategic direction for the company. They’re the ones charting the course, making pivotal decisions on which markets to enter, the scale of operations, and how to differentiate from competitors already circling these new territories. Their vision for growth in these markets is not just about expanding the route map but ensuring sustainable operations that adapt to local needs and regulations.

3. Building Local Alliances

One of the keys to success in emerging markets is understanding and integrating into the local culture and business landscape. Effective senior leaders know the importance of building strong relationships with local partners, authorities, and other stakeholders. They are adept at negotiating partnerships or joint ventures that can ease the entry and expansion process, ensuring that the company’s operations are both compliant and culturally sensitive.

4. Talent Navigation

As we’ve touched on before, finding and nurturing the right talent is a significant hurdle in emerging markets. A forward-thinking leadership team recognises the need for investing in local talent development and creating a work culture that attracts the best in the field. They champion initiatives like training programs, leadership development, and career progression opportunities that not only fill the immediate talent gap but also build a loyal and skilled workforce for the future.

Leveraging Technology and Innovation

The aviation industry is on the cusp of digital transformation, from how airlines operate to how they engage with customers. Leaders who are tech-savvy and open to innovation can drive the adoption of new technologies to improve efficiency, safety, and customer experience. In emerging markets, where technological leaps can sometimes outpace more established markets, this openness to innovation can be a significant advantage.

Navigating the Talent Clouds

How are companies managing to recruit and retain the right talent, then? They’re getting creative – and strategic.

Take Emirates, for example. Recognising the need to prepare for future growth, they confronted a problem head-on and established the Emirates Flight Training Academy in Dubai. This state-of-the-art facility isn’t about nurturing home-grown talent; it’s a magnet for aspiring pilots from across the globe.

The academy offers an integrated training programme, combining classroom learning with hands-on experience in modern training aircraft. But here’s the clincher: by investing in training and development, Emirates isn’t just filling the current talent gap. They’re building a pipeline of skilled professionals ready to take the industry to new heights.

Other Turbulences

But it’s not all smooth flying. Beyond the challenge of finding and hiring talent, there’s the issue of infrastructure. Many emerging markets are playing catch-up when it comes to airport facilities, air traffic control systems, and maintenance capabilities. Then there’s the volatile nature of fuel prices and currency fluctuations, which can throw a spanner in the works of the best-laid plans.

What Have We Learned?

Embarking on the adventure of expanding into emerging aviation markets is not for the faint-hearted. The talent challenge is real, but as our case study of Emirates shows, it’s not insurmountable. It requires a blend of innovation, investment in training, and a long-term vision.

The lessons here? First, that building a skilled workforce from the ground up can not only solve the immediate talent shortage but also contribute to the sustainable growth of the aviation sector in these markets. Second, that the journey into emerging markets is as much about navigating local regulations and infrastructure challenges as it is about strategic recruitment and training.

In essence, while the skies over emerging markets may be less crowded, the route to success is filled with its own unique set of obstacles. But for those willing to invest in their crew and innovate their approach, the potential rewards are sky-high. So, here’s to the brave aviators charting their course into new territories – may your ventures be as thrilling as they are prosperous!


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

Please visit our website to see more of our knowledge hub: https://refind.co.uk/

When and how to Set Strategic Objectives

Setting objectives is a fundamental aspect of effective leadership, providing a roadmap for organisations and individuals to achieve their goals. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the essence of objectives, exploring their significance, benefits, and the strategic considerations behind their formulation. If you are steering a business or seeking personal development, understanding how to articulate, assess, and align objectives is key to your success.

Understanding Objectives: What Are They and Why Do We Have Them?

Objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) targets that guide actions and decisions. Those objectives will then serve as the building blocks of success, offering clarity and direction to both leaders and their teams.

  1. Clarity of Purpose: Objectives articulate the purpose and direction of an organisation or individual. They answer the fundamental question: “What are we trying to achieve?”
  2. Motivation and Focus: Clear objectives motivate individuals by providing a focal point for their efforts. This helps everyone understand their role in achieving a common goal, collective motivation and focus increase.
  3. Measurement and Evaluation: Objectives offer a measurable framework for evaluating progress. They provide benchmarks against which performance can be assessed, aiding in the identification of strengths and areas for improvement.

The Benefits of Setting Objectives

Setting objectives yields a plethora of benefits for leaders, teams, and individuals alike. Let’s explore these advantages:

  1. Alignment of Efforts: Objectives align everyone towards a shared purpose, fostering collaboration and synergy within the team or organisation.
  2. Enhanced Decision-Making: Clear objectives provide a basis for informed decision-making. Leaders can assess options against established goals, ensuring choices are in line with the overarching strategy.
  3. Improved Performance: Objectives set performance expectations, motivating individuals to achieve their best. Regular assessment against objectives helps identify and address performance gaps.
  4. Adaptability: If we plan well-structured objectives, this allows for adaptability in a dynamic environment and helps leaders to pivot their strategies while ensuring alignment with the ultimate goals.

Strategic Objectives: The Backbone of Organisational Success

Strategic objectives form the backbone of organisational success, guiding long-term planning and decision-making. Here’s how leaders can develop and articulate strategic objectives effectively:

  1. Alignment with Mission and Vision: Strategic objectives should align seamlessly with the organisation’s mission and vision, ensuring a cohesive and purpose-driven approach.
  2. SMART Criteria: Apply the SMART criteria to strategic objectives, ensuring they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This ensures clarity and accountability.
  3. Prioritisation: Prioritise objectives based on their impact on the overall strategy. This ensures that resources are allocated efficiently to achieve the most critical goals.
  4. Stakeholder Involvement: Involve key stakeholders in the development of strategic objectives to gather diverse perspectives and foster a sense of ownership among the team.

Crafting Effective Objectives: The Art of Wording

The language used in articulating objectives plays a crucial role in their effectiveness. Here are some tips for crafting objectives with precision and impact:

  1. Use Action Verbs: Begin objectives with action verbs that clearly convey the intended outcome. An example of this when talking about improving on the Market Share, we could say “Increase market share by 10%” which is more impactful than “Improve market share.”
  2. Be Specific and Concrete: Avoid vague language. Specify exactly what needs to be achieved and provide quantifiable metrics for success.
  3. Consider Stakeholder Perspectives: Craft objectives that resonate with stakeholders. Understand their priorities and concerns, tailoring objectives to address shared goals.
  4. Ensure Clarity: Objectives should be easily understood by all stakeholders. Ambiguity can lead to confusion and hinder progress.

Assessing Objectives: Monitoring Progress and Driving Improvement

The journey towards achieving objectives doesn’t end with their formulation. Regular assessment and adaptation are critical components of successful objective management:

  1. Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define KPIs aligned with each objective to quantitatively measure progress. These indicators serve as benchmarks for success.
  2. Frequent Evaluation: Regularly assess progress against objectives. This can involve weekly check-ins, monthly reviews, or other cadences, depending on the nature of the objectives.
  3. Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt objectives in response to changing circumstances. Flexibility is essential for overcoming unforeseen challenges.
  4. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones and achievements along the way. This fosters a positive work culture and motivates individuals to persist in their efforts.

Business Objectives vs Employee Objectives: Bridging the Gap

While business and employee objectives may seem distinct, aligning them is crucial for overall success. Here’s how leaders can bridge the gap:

  1. Clear Communication: Clearly communicate how individual employee objectives contribute to broader business goals. This enhances understanding and motivation.
  2. Alignment of Incentives: Align incentives to ensure that achieving individual objectives aligns with the success of the business. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship.
  3. Regular Feedback: Provide regular feedback to employees on their performance against objectives. This helps them understand their impact on the organisation and course-correct if necessary.
  4. Encourage Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment where employees can see how their contributions fit into the larger organisational picture. This enhances teamwork and collective success.

Conclusion: Empowering Leadership Through Effective Objective Setting

In conclusion, effective leadership involves mastering the art of objective setting. Whether guiding a business or personal development, the ability to articulate, assess, and align objectives is paramount. By understanding the significance of objectives, embracing strategic thinking, and fostering adaptability, leaders can steer their teams towards success. Objectives serve not only as a roadmap but as a source of motivation and collective purpose, propelling individuals and organisations towards their fullest potential.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

The Balance of Leadership: Juggling Priorities and People

Leadership is a multifaceted art that requires a delicate balance between various priorities and the people who drive an organisation forward. Striking this equilibrium is not just a challenge; it’s an ongoing process that demands adaptability, empathy, and strategic thinking. In this blog, we’ll explore the intricate dance of leadership, delving into the nuances of managing priorities and people to foster a harmonious and successful work environment.

The Essence of Leadership

At its core, leadership is about inspiring and guiding a team towards a common goal. Whether you’re at the helm of a small startup or steering a large corporation, the fundamentals remain the same. A leader must possess a vision, communicate effectively, and navigate the complexities of decision-making.

The Balancing Act

The crux of effective leadership lies in balancing priorities and people. Picture a juggler skillfully keeping multiple balls in the air—each ball representing a different aspect of leadership. On one hand, there are strategic goals, deadlines, and financial targets. On the other, there are the individuals who form the heart of the organisation—employees with unique strengths, aspirations, and challenges.

Juggling Priorities

Strategic Vision

Every successful leader begins with a clear vision. This vision serves as the guiding light, shaping the strategic priorities that drive the organisation forward. Whether it’s expanding market share, innovating products, or enhancing customer experience, a leader must set the overarching direction that informs day-to-day decision-making. That can be a balancing act for leaders.

Time Management

The key to handling priorities effectively is adept time management. Leaders must allocate time wisely, focusing on high-impact tasks that align with the strategic vision. This involves prioritising projects, setting realistic deadlines, and delegating responsibilities to capable team members.

Flexibility in Adversity

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, unforeseen challenges are inevitable. A successful leader remains agile and adaptable, adjusting priorities when circumstances demand. This flexibility is not a sign of weakness but a testament to the leader’s ability to navigate uncertainties while keeping the overall vision intact.

Nurturing People

Empathy and Communication

A leader’s relationship with their team is built on a foundation of empathy and effective communication. Understanding the aspirations and concerns of individuals fosters a sense of belonging and commitment. Regular and transparent communication ensures that everyone is aligned with the organisational goals.

Skill Development

Investing in the growth of your team is an investment in the success of the organisation. Leaders should identify and nurture the unique skills of each team member, providing opportunities for professional development. A skilled and motivated team is better equipped to contribute to the achievement of strategic priorities.

Work-Life Balance

Recognising the importance of work-life balance is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive team. Leaders should encourage a culture that values well-being, allowing employees the flexibility to manage their personal and professional lives. A burnt-out team is unlikely to perform optimally, jeopardising both short-term tasks and long-term goals.

The Intersection of Priorities and People

The true challenge of leadership lies in the intersection of priorities and people. This is where the art of juggling becomes most apparent. How can a leader ensure that strategic goals are met without compromising the well-being and morale of the team?

Inclusive Decision-Making

Decisions that impact both priorities and people should be inclusive. Seeking input from the team not only provides valuable perspectives but also cultivates a sense of ownership. When individuals feel that their voices are heard, they are more likely to be invested in the outcomes, even if the decisions are challenging.

Recognition and Motivation

Acknowledging the efforts and achievements of the team is a powerful motivator. Leaders should celebrate successes, both big and small, and recognise the contributions of individuals. This not only boosts morale but also reinforces the connection between individual efforts and the overarching organisational goals.

Continuous Feedback

Regular feedback is essential for growth, both for the individual and the organisation. Leaders should provide constructive feedback to help employees refine their skills and contribute more effectively to the priorities of the business. Similarly, leaders should be open to receiving feedback, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Case Studies: Leaders Who Got It Right

Sir Richard Branson – Virgin Group

Sir Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is renowned for his ability to balance priorities and people. By fostering a culture of innovation and employee well-being, Branson has created a dynamic and successful conglomerate. His emphasis on the happiness and satisfaction of employees has not only led to high retention rates but has also contributed to the overall success of Virgin Group ventures.

Angela Ahrendts – Former CEO of Burberry, Apple

Angela Ahrendts, former CEO of Burberry and later Senior Vice President at Apple, is another exemplary leader. Ahrendts prioritised both the strategic goals of the companies she led and the well-being of her teams. By focusing on creating a positive and inclusive workplace culture, she successfully propelled Burberry into a global luxury brand and played a key role in Apple’s retail success.

Strategies for Leadership Success

Collaborative Leadership

Leadership is not a solitary endeavour. Collaborative leadership, which involves working together with the team to achieve common goals, is crucial for success. By fostering a collaborative culture, leaders can harness the collective intelligence and skills of the team, creating synergy that propels the organisation forward.

Personal Development for Leaders

Leadership is a journey of continuous learning and growth. Leaders should invest in their own personal development to stay abreast of industry trends, management techniques, and interpersonal skills. This commitment to self-improvement not only enhances leadership capabilities but sets an example for the team to follow suit. This in turn, supplements the balance of leadership priorities.

Technology as a Facilitator

In the digital age, technology can serve as a facilitator for effective and balanced leadership. Project management tools, communication platforms, and data analytics can streamline processes, allowing leaders to focus on strategic priorities and spend more time engaging with their teams. Embracing technology is not just about efficiency but also about creating a modern and adaptable work environment.

Conclusion: The Ever-Changing Dance

In the intricate dance of leadership, the balance between priorities and people is ever-changing. Successful leaders recognise that this balance is not static; it requires continuous assessment, adaptation, and fine-tuning. By mastering the art of juggling priorities and people, leaders can create a workplace where both individual and organisational success flourish. As we navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape, let us remember that the heart of leadership lies in finding harmony in the delicate interplay between strategic objectives and the individuals who bring them to life.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

Mastering Performance Management: Strategies for Success in the Workplace

Having a clear and robust Performance Management Strategy is essential for individual and organisational successes. This comprehensive guide aims to explore the nuances of performance management. We will talk about the definition, types, processes, frequency, recording methods, and system choices. And, the relevance of goal settings, alignment with business objectives, competencies, and the 9 box talent grid.

What is Performance Management?

Performance management is a holistic approach to ensuring that individuals and teams contribute effectively to the achievement of organisational goals. It involves the continuous process of setting expectations, assessing performance, providing feedback, and making necessary adjustments to enhance productivity and development.

Different Types of Performance Management:

  1. Traditional Performance Appraisals:
    • Historically, organisations relied on annual or biannual reviews to evaluate employee performance.
    • Criticisms include subjectivity, bias, and a lack of real-time feedback.
  2. Continuous Performance Management:
    • Emphasises ongoing communication and feedback, often facilitated through regular check-ins and technology platforms.
    • Fosters a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.
  3. 360-Degree Feedback:
    • Involves collecting feedback from various sources, including peers, subordinates, and managers.
    • The 360 feedback should provide a more comprehensive view of an individual’s performance. However, it also requires careful implementation to avoid biases from being made.

Best Processes and Methods:

  1. Setting Clear Objectives:
    • Clearly defined goals and expectations are the foundation of effective performance management.
    • Objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) for optimal impact.
  2. Regular Check-ins and Feedback:
    • Frequent, informal discussions between managers and employees enhance communication and address issues promptly.
    • Constructive feedback is


How Regular Should Performance Management Be?

The frequency of performance management is a crucial consideration. Whilst traditional annual reviews were once the norm, many organisations are shifting towards more frequent evaluations. The benefits of regular check-ins include:

  1. Continuous Improvement:
    • Regular assessments allow for ongoing adjustments and improvements, promoting a culture of continuous development.
  2. Timely Issue Resolution:
    • Immediate feedback helps address performance issues promptly, preventing them from escalating.
  3. Employee Engagement:
    • Frequent discussions demonstrate an organisation’s commitment to employee growth, enhancing engagement and morale.

How Should Performance Management Be Recorded?

Recording performance is as important as the evaluation process itself. Modern technology provides various tools and methods for effective recording:

  1. Digital Performance Management Systems:
    • Cloud-based systems offer real-time tracking, accessibility, and data security.
    • They streamline the recording process and facilitate easier analysis.
  2. Performance Journals:
    • Encouraging employees to maintain performance journals fosters self-reflection and allows for personal growth tracking.
    • Then, managers can use these performance journals as additional insights during rheir evaluations.

What Are the Best Systems to Use?

Choosing the right performance management system is crucial for success. Considerations include:

  1. User-Friendly Interfaces:
    • Systems should be easy to navigate for both managers and employees.
    • Intuitive interfaces enhance user adoption and engagement.
  2. Integration Capabilities:
    • Compatibility with other HR systems and tools ensures seamless data flow and reduces administrative burdens.
  3. Customisation Options:
    • Tailoring the system to align with the organisation’s unique processes and requirements enhances its effectiveness.

Should We Use Goal Settings?

Setting goals is a fundamental aspect of performance management. Here’s why goals are essential:

  1. Clarity of Purpose:
    • Well-defined goals provide employees with a clear sense of direction and purpose.
    • They serve as benchmarks for performance evaluations.
  2. Motivation and Accountability:
    • Goals motivate employees to strive for excellence and create a sense of accountability.
    • Achievement of goals contributes to overall organisational success.

Should Goals Be Aligned to Business Objectives?

Aligning individual goals with overarching business objectives is a strategic approach with several benefits:

  1. Coordinated Efforts:
    • Ensures that individual and team efforts contribute directly to the achievement of organisational goals.
    • Enhances synergy and collaboration across departments.
  2. Measurable Impact:
    • Facilitates the measurement of how individual contributions contribute to the broader success of the business.
    • Provides a clear link between performance and organisational outcomes.

Should We Use Competencies?

Integrating competencies into performance management adds a valuable dimension to evaluations:

  1. Holistic Assessment:
    • Competencies encompass skills, behaviours, and attributes that are crucial for success in a particular role.
    • Evaluating competencies provides a more comprehensive view of an individual’s capabilities.
  2. Developmental Focus:
    • Identifying competencies gaps enables targeted training and development initiatives.
    • Supports employees in acquiring skills necessary for career progression.

Should We Use a 9 Box Talent Grid?

The 9 box talent grid is a visual tool that assesses employee performance and potential. Considerations for its use include:

  1. Identifying High-Potential Employees:
    • Helps identify individuals with high performance and significant growth potential.
    • Guides succession planning and talent development strategies.
  2. Succession Planning:
    • Enables organisations to proactively plan for leadership transitions by identifying and developing future leaders.
    • Balances short-term performance with long-term potential.


In the contemporary business landscape, effective performance management is a dynamic process that requires careful consideration of various factors. From setting clear objectives and leveraging modern recording methods to choosing suitable systems and incorporating goal alignment, competencies, and talent grids, organisations must tailor their approach to meet their unique needs. By embracing a holistic and forward-thinking perspective on performance management, businesses can foster a culture of continuous improvement and position themselves for sustained success in a rapidly evolving world.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

Creating strong team culture in remote and hybrid teams

In today’s dynamic work landscape where remote and hybrid work models have become the new norm, fostering a strong team culture is more crucial than ever.

As teams navigate through virtual spaces, the traditional methods of team building may seem outdated. But, with intentional efforts and creative strategies, building a resilient team culture in remote or hybrid work environments is not only possible but essential for organisational success. This blog explores effective tips and innovative ideas to strengthen your team’s cohesion, collaboration, and camaraderie in the digital era.

Introduction: Navigating the Challenges of Remote and Hybrid Team Building

As organisations embrace flexible work arrangements, the need for effective remote team building has never been more evident. Despite the physical distance, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose among team members is a goal that leaders can achieve with the right strategies. In this blog, we delve into practical tips and creative ideas to foster a robust team culture that thrives in virtual or hybrid work settings.

Understanding the Foundations: Clear Communication and Shared Goals

It’s essential to lay down the foundations for remote and hybrid team building. We should make clear communication and shared goals serve as the bedrock for a cohesive team culture even when members are miles apart. Establishing these foundations ensures that everyone is on the same page, fostering a sense of unity.

Tip 1: Establishing Open Lines of Communication

In a remote and hybrid environment, communication becomes the lifeline of a team. Encourage regular check-ins, video meetings, and the use of collaborative communication tools. Emphasise the importance of transparent and honest communication to build trust among team members.

Tip 2: Define and Communicate Clear Goals

Clearly defined goals provide the team with a sense of purpose and direction. Ensure that every team member understands their role in achieving these goals. Regularly revisit and reassess objectives to adapt to the evolving nature of work.

Building a Virtual Watercooler: Nurturing Social Connections

One of the challenges of remote and hybrid work is the absence of casual interactions that occur naturally in an office setting. To recreate the camaraderie of a physical workplace, leaders must proactively create opportunities for social connections.

Tip 3: Virtual Coffee Breaks and Informal Chats

Schedule virtual coffee breaks or informal chat sessions where team members can discuss non-work-related topics. This simulates the spontaneous interactions that happen around the office watercooler, fostering a sense of community.

Tip 4: Team-Building Icebreaker Activities

Incorporate fun and interactive icebreaker activities into virtual meetings. This could include virtual games, quizzes, or team challenges that encourage collaboration and create a relaxed atmosphere.

Acknowledging Achievements: Virtual Recognition and Appreciation

In a remote and hybrid setting, it’s crucial to celebrate successes and recognise individual and collective achievements. Acknowledging accomplishments boosts morale and creates a positive team culture.

Tip 5: Virtual Recognition Platforms

Implement virtual recognition platforms where team members can give shout-outs or recognitions to their colleagues. This not only highlights achievements but also reinforces a culture of appreciation.

Tip 6: Celebratory Virtual Events

Organise virtual events to celebrate milestones, birthdays, or team anniversaries. This could include virtual parties, themed events, or team-building exercises tailored to the remote setting.

Developing Trust in a Digital Space: Team Bonding Activities

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful team, and building and maintaining trust in a remote setting requires intentional effort.

Tip 7: Team-Building Workshops

Host virtual team-building workshops that focus on trust-building exercises. These can include activities that encourage vulnerability, effective communication, and understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Tip 8: Cross-Functional Collaboration

Encourage cross-functional collaboration by creating opportunities for team members from different departments to work together on projects. Resulting in not only enhanceing the skills but also strengthening interdepartmental relationships.

Ensuring Inclusivity: Remote and Hybrid Team Building for Everyone

In a dispersed work environment, it’s essential to ensure that remote and hybrid team-building activities are inclusive and cater to the diverse needs of team members.

Tip 9: Flexible Scheduling for Global Teams

If your team spans different time zones, consider rotating meeting times to accommodate everyone. This ensures that team members from various locations can actively participate in team-building activities.

Tip 10: Inclusive Virtual Events

Also, when planning virtual events, consider cultural sensitivities and preferences. Ensure that activities are inclusive and respectful of diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging for every team member.

Conclusion: Nurturing a Sustainable Remote and Hybrid Team Culture

Building a strong team culture in remote or hybrid work environments requires ongoing dedication and adaptability. By prioritising clear communication, social connections, recognition, trust-building, and inclusivity, leaders can create a resilient team culture that not only survives but thrives in the digital era. As the workplace continues to evolve, embracing innovative approaches to remote team building will be the key to fostering a collaborative and motivated remote workforce.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

A Journey into the World of HR Leadership

Welcome to the dynamic realm of Human Resources (HR) leadership!

Every day brings new challenges. Every day brings new opportunities. And every day beings the chance to make a positive impact on an organisation’s most valuable asset – its people.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the life of a HR leader. We’ll be exploring the challenges they face and the benefits they reap. And, the techniques and strategies that help them navigate the complex landscape of human capital management.

The Role of a HR Leader

Being at the helm of HR leadership is no small feat. It involves juggling multiple responsibilities, from talent acquisition and employee relations to performance management and strategic planning. A HR leader is the linchpin that holds the workforce together. They ensure a harmonious blend of individual growth and organisational success.

A HR leader is responsible for managing the employee life cycle, which includes recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, and firing employees, as well as administering employee benefits. They are also responsible for planning, coordinating, and evaluating the various services, policies, and programs of an organisation’s HR department.

HR leaders act as mediators between upper management and employees and champion causes on behalf of employees. They promote awareness and guide all levels of the organisation through change and transition periods. HR leaders also coach managers and employees on company culture and better methods of coexisting and working together.

In addition, HR leaders must constantly redefine the talent acquisition process and connect human capital decisions with business strategy.

The Crucial Role of HR Leadership in Organisational Success and the Challenges

HR leaders play a pivotal role in driving the success of an organisation. They own key aspects such as talent acquisition, employee engagement, and fostering a positive workplace culture.

While the HR leadership role is rewarding, it comes with its fair share of challenges. From managing workplace conflicts to adapting to ever-evolving employment laws, HR leaders need to be adept at handling a myriad of issues.

HR leaders often encounter challenges every day. They need resilience and adaptability, and there are strategies for overcoming these challenges.

Benefits of HR Leadership

Despite the challenges, there are numerous benefits to being an HR leader. There are positive aspects of the role, including personal satisfaction, career growth, and the opportunity to shape the future of the organisation through its people.

Making a difference in employees’ lives can be one of the most gratifying aspects of the role. And, the professional growth opportunities that come with navigating the complex HR landscape can be great too!

Techniques for Effective HR Leadership

Success in HR leadership requires more than just problem-solving skills. It demands a strategic mindset, effective communication, and the ability to build strong relationships with employees at all levels of the organisation.

There are many practical techniques that HR leaders can employ to excel in their roles. From fostering open communication to implementing data-driven decision-making.

The HR landscape is ever-evolving, and effective leaders need to stay ahead of the curve by anticipating and addressing changes in the workforce, technology, and global business environment.


In conclusion, being an HR leader is a multifaceted journey filled with challenges, rewards, and the opportunity to shape the future of both individuals and organisations. By understanding the crucial role of HR leadership, acknowledging and addressing challenges, and adopting effective techniques and strategies, HR leaders can not only survive but thrive in this dynamic field. Whether you’re an aspiring HR leader or someone interested in gaining insights into the world of human resources, this blog has provided a glimpse into the intricacies of HR leadership in the UK.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

How to have Productive Leadership Meetings

Productive leadership meetings are the linchpin of organisational success. To help you plan for that success, we delve into the nuances of how to have productive leadership meetings, and exploring strategies to enhance collaboration, decision-making, and overall team productivity.

Setting the Stage for Success: Planning and Preparation

Successful leadership meetings start with meticulous planning and preparation. As part of that preparation, it is important to ensure that the agenda is clear, concise, and aligned with the overarching goals of the organisation.

A well-structured agenda ensures that the meeting stays focused on crucial topics, enhancing the chances of productive discussions.

Engaging Leadership: Fostering Participation and Inclusivity

The meetings are not one-sided conversations. Encouraging active participation from all team members fosters a culture of inclusivity and collaboration.

Encouraging Participation for Success

Leaders should create an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their opinions and ideas, contributing to a diverse range of perspectives.

Utilising Technology for Seamless Collaboration

Technology plays a pivotal role in fostering seamless collaboration during meetings. So think about technologies such as video conferencing tools, collaborative platforms, and real-time document sharing enhance communication and decision-making.

Effective Decision-Making: From Discussion to Action

It’s not just about talking; it’s about making decisions that drive the organisation forward. A structured decision-making process ensures that outcomes are clear, actionable, and aligned with strategic goals.

Decisive Leadership: Turning Discussions into Actionable Outcomes

Leaders should guide the team through a logical decision-making process, considering all relevant factors and ensuring that decisions are communicated effectively.

Time Management

In the fast-paced business environment, time is a precious commodity. Successful leadership meetings are well-paced, ensuring that discussions are thorough without unnecessary delays.

Leaders should be mindful of the agenda, allocate time effectively, and keep the meeting on track to respect everyone’s time.

Encouraging Innovation: Creating a Culture of Creative Exchange

Leadership meetings provide a platform for fostering innovation and creative thinking. Encouraging team members to share innovative ideas contributes to continuous improvement and adaptability.

Building Relationships: The Human Element

Beyond the business agenda, successful leadership meetings recognise the importance of building strong interpersonal relationships. Team-building exercises, casual conversations, and acknowledging achievements contribute to a positive team dynamic.

Relationship-Driven Leadership: Nurturing Bonds in Meetings

Leaders should invest time in cultivating a positive team culture, promoting camaraderie and mutual respect.

Continuous Improvement: Learning from Past Meetings

Post-meeting evaluations are crucial for ongoing success. Leaders should gather feedback, assess what worked well and what can be improved, and implement changes for future meetings.

Key Phrase: Evolving Leadership Meetings: The Power of Continuous Improvement

Related Blog: How to Conduct Effective Post-Meeting Evaluations

Overcoming Challenges: Common Hurdles in Leadership Meetings

By addressing common issues such as lack of engagement, conflicting opinions, or technology glitches, you will be showing proactive leadership and effective problem-solving.

Leaders should be prepared to address challenges promptly, maintaining the flow and productivity of the meeting.

Remote Leadership Meetings: Bridging the Distance Effectively

In an increasingly remote working landscape, leadership meetings often take place virtually. Leaders must adapt their strategies to ensure that remote meetings are as effective as those held in person.

Conclusion: A Blueprint for Success in Leadership Meetings

Our conclusion? Successful leadership meetings are a strategic imperative for organisational growth and cohesion. By meticulously planning agendas, fostering participation, leveraging technology, making informed decisions, and continuously improving, leaders can transform meetings into powerful drivers of success.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

How to Prepare for a Senior Leadership Interview

If you’ve ever aspired to climb the corporate ladder and secure a senior leadership role, you’ll know that the journey isn’t just about meeting the qualifications on paper. It also involves acing the interview that can make or break your career. The process of preparing for a senior leadership role interview requires meticulous planning, self-assessment, and a clear understanding of what’s expected from you in such a high-stakes situation. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of interview preparation, offering guidance on how to excel and secure your dream leadership position.

The Importance of Preparation

Why Preparation Helps

A key part of the preparation process is understanding why it’s so crucial. Adequate preparation not only boosts your confidence but also demonstrates your commitment to the role. When you enter the interview room well-prepared, you send a clear message to the interviewers that you’re serious about the position and have the skills necessary to excel in it.

Internalise the Job Description

One of the first steps in your interview preparation journey is to thoroughly understand the job description. Ensure that you can align your skills, experience, and personal attributes with the specific requirements of the role. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to showcase how you are the perfect fit for the job.

Research the Company

Studying the company’s history, culture, and recent achievements is another vital aspect of preparation. Demonstrating knowledge about the company and its values will highlight your genuine interest and commitment.

How to Prepare

Now that you understand the importance of preparation, let’s move on to the “how.” Effective preparation for a senior leadership role interview involves several key steps:


Before diving into the interview preparation process, take a moment to reflect on your career journey and your personal leadership style. What are your strengths, weaknesses, and values? Understanding yourself is essential to articulating your unique leadership approach during the interview.

Set Clear Objectives

Define your goals for the interview. What impression do you want to leave on the interviewers? What key points do you want to emphasise? Setting clear objectives will help you stay focused during the interview.

Practice, Practice, Practice

One of the most effective ways to prepare is by practicing your responses to potential interview questions. Seek out a trusted friend or colleague who can conduct a mock interview, providing you with valuable feedback.

Dress the Part

Don’t underestimate the power of appearance. Ensure you dress professionally and appropriately for the position you’re interviewing for. First impressions matter, and dressing the part is a step toward making a strong initial impact.

Ways of Preparing

While there are several ways to prepare for a senior leadership role interview, it’s essential to choose the methods that work best for you. Here are some common approaches:

Online Resources

Numerous online resources offer valuable insights into interview preparation. Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor provide information on common leadership interview questions and tips on how to answer them.


Consider reading books on leadership and interview techniques. “The Art of Possibility” by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander and “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek are great options to expand your leadership knowledge.

Professional Coaching

If you’re seeking personalised guidance, you might benefit from hiring a professional interview coach. They can provide targeted feedback and help you refine your interview skills.

Examples of Leadership Interview Questions

In any interview, you should be prepared to answer a variety of questions. For a senior leadership role interview, questions may revolve around your experience, leadership style, and decision-making abilities. Here are some common examples:

  1. Tell us about your leadership experience.
  2. How do you handle conflict within your team?
  3. Describe a challenging decision you’ve made and its outcome?
  4. What is your vision for the company, and how will you implement it?

It’s essential to anticipate these questions and formulate thoughtful, concise responses that highlight your qualifications and suitability for the role.

How to Give the Best Answers

Nailing the interview isn’t just about what questions you’re asked; it’s also about how you answer them. Here are some tips for providing the best responses:

STAR Method

When answering behavioral questions, consider using the STAR method:

  • Situation: Describe the context or situation.
  • Task: Explain the specific task or challenge you faced.
  • Action: Describe the actions you took.
  • Result: Share the outcomes and results of your actions.

This structured approach helps you provide comprehensive answers.

Be Specific

Use concrete examples from your past experiences to support your claims. Specifics make your answers more convincing and memorable.

Stay Positive

Even when discussing challenges or failures, maintain a positive tone. Emphasise what you learned from those experiences and how they’ve made you a stronger leader.

What If You Struggle with Questions?

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, and it’s not uncommon to struggle with certain questions. Here’s what to do if you find yourself stumped:

Pause and Think

Don’t rush to answer a question. Take a moment to collect your thoughts and structure your response. A brief pause is much better than an incomplete or unclear answer.

Seek Clarification

If you don’t fully understand a question, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. It’s better to ensure you’re answering the right question than to give an off-topic response.

Practice Active Listening

Active listening during the interview is crucial. Make sure you fully understand the question before you respond. If you’re unsure, repeat the question or ask for confirmation.

How to Stand Out

To stand out in a senior leadership role interview, you need to leave a lasting impression. Here are some strategies to help you shine:

Share Unique Insights

Offer fresh, original perspectives on industry trends, challenges, and opportunities. Interviewers appreciate candidates who bring innovative ideas to the table.

Emphasise Cultural Fit

Highlight your alignment with the company’s culture and values. Showcase your ability to seamlessly integrate into the existing team.

Showcase Emotional Intelligence

Demonstrate your emotional intelligence by showing empathy, self-awareness, and the ability to build strong relationships. These soft skills are highly valued in leadership positions.

Tips for Success

Achieving success in interviews involves a combination of factors. Here are some additional tips to ensure you make the most of your opportunity:

Confidence and Humility

Strike a balance between confidence and humility. You should exude confidence in your abilities while remaining open to learning and collaboration.

Elevator Pitch

Prepare a concise and compelling elevator pitch that highlights your strengths, values, and what sets you apart as a leader.

Ask Questions

Towards the end of the interview, be prepared to ask insightful questions about the role and the company. This shows your genuine interest and engagement.

Staying Calm Under Pressure

Maintaining composure during a senior leadership role interview can be challenging. Here’s how to stay calm under pressure:

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Before the interview, engage in relaxation techniques like deep breathing and visualisation to calm your nerves.


Practice mindfulness to stay present during the interview. Focus on the questions and your responses without getting overwhelmed by anxiety.

Positive Self-Talk

Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your qualifications and your value to the organisation.

Correcting Errors or Answers

If you make a mistake or feel you could have answered a question better, don’t be afraid to correct it:

Acknowledge the Mistake

If you recognise an error in your response, acknowledge it and clarify your intended answer.

Maintain Confidence

Correcting an answer doesn’t have to diminish your confidence. It can actually demonstrate your commitment to providing accurate and well-thought-out responses.

Learn from Mistakes

View any errors as learning opportunities. Use them to refine your interview skills and improve for future interviews.

In conclusion, preparing for a senior leadership role interview is a multi-faceted process that demands dedication and self-reflection. By understanding the importance of preparation, learning how to prepare effectively, and mastering the art of answering interview questions, you can increase your chances of securing your desired leadership position. Remember, success in interviews is not just about showcasing your qualifications but also about demonstrating your leadership potential and your ability to thrive in a senior role. With these tips and strategies, you can confidently embark on your journey to becoming a senior leader in your organisation. Good luck!


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

Being a Strategic Leader and why that Matters

In our fast-paced and ever-evolving world of business, leadership takes on various forms and functions. One style that stands out and holds immense importance is being a strategic leader. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of strategic leadership, what it means to be a strategic leader, and why it is of utmost significance in the corporate landscape.

What do we mean by Strategy?

Strategy refers to a well-thought-out plan or a set of actions designed to achieve specific goals and objectives. But more often than not it’s not just about setting goals, it’s also about determining the path to reach those goals. For an organisation, strategy serves as a roadmap guiding them through the challenges and opportunities they encounter.

The Role of a Strategic Leader in Shaping Strategy

Strategic leadership goes hand in hand with crafting and executing organisational strategies. However, strategic leaders aren’t just people who focus on day-to-day operations, they will also take a comprehensive approach to envision the future and lead the organisation towards it. They are forward thinkers who keep an eye on the long-term and align the team’s efforts accordingly.

How to Be Strategic

Becoming a strategic leader isn’t something that happens overnight; it’s a journey that requires honing specific skills and adopting the right mindset. Here are some essential aspects of being strategic:

1. Vision

Having a clear and inspiring vision is the cornerstone of strategic leadership. It’s about knowing where you want to take your organisation and being able to articulate that vision to your team. A shared vision creates alignment and motivation.

2. Critical Thinking

Strategic leaders are adept at critical thinking. They can analyse situations, identify opportunities and threats, and make informed decisions. Critical thinking is the compass that guides them through the complexities of business.

3. Adaptability

The business landscape is ever-changing and because of that, being adaptable is key to staying ahead. Most strategic leaders remain flexible and open to change, and ready to adjust their strategies when necessary.

4. Empowering Others

A strategic leader doesn’t micromanage but empowers their team. They delegate responsibilities, trust their team members, and allow them to contribute their expertise to the strategic process.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making

Strategic leaders rely on data and insights to make decisions. They understand the importance of data in assessing performance, identifying trends, and making informed choices.

Benefits of Being Strategic

Now, let’s explore why being a strategic leader matters and the numerous advantages it brings to the table:

1. Long-Term Success

Strategic leaders are focused on long-term success rather than quick wins. Their decisions are driven by the sustainability and growth of the organisation, ensuring it thrives over time.

2. Competitive Advantage

Strategic leaders help their organisations gain a competitive edge by identifying unique opportunities and leveraging them. This often means staying ahead of the competition.

3. Effective Resource Allocation

Strategic leaders allocate resources wisely, ensuring that time, money, and talent are directed towards activities that align with the organisation’s goals. This results in better efficiency and productivity.

4. Innovation and Adaptation

A strategic approach encourages innovation and adaptability. Leaders who are strategic are more likely to embrace change and drive innovation within their organisations.

5. Enhanced Decision Making

With a data-driven approach and a focus on critical thinking, strategic leaders make more informed and effective decisions. This reduces the risk of poor choices and costly mistakes.

6. Employee Engagement

Strategic leaders inspire and engage their teams by involving them in the strategic process. This boosts morale and commitment among employees, leading to higher productivity and lower turnover rates.

7. Clear Communication

Having a well-defined strategy and vision helps in clear communication. Team members understand the direction the organisation is heading, reducing confusion and conflict.

Disadvantages of Not Being Strategic

On the other side, the absence of strategic leadership can lead to several disadvantages for an organisation:

1. Short-Term Thinking

Without a strategic leader, the organisation may focus solely on short-term goals, neglecting long-term sustainability.

2. Reactive Decision Making

Most non-strategic leaders often make decisions in response to immediate crises rather than with a forward-thinking approach, which can lead to inefficiencies.

3. Wasted Resources

Lack of a strategic direction can result in misallocation of resources, causing financial and human capital to go to waste.

4. Missed Opportunities

Organisations without strategic leaders may miss valuable opportunities for growth and improvement, putting them at a disadvantage.

5. Stagnation

In the absence of strategic thinking, organizations may become stagnant, unable to adapt to changing market conditions.

6. Employee Disengagement

When employees don’t see a clear direction, they may become disengaged and less committed to the organisation’s success.

Examples of Where Strategic Leadership Has Made an Impact

To illustrate the real-world impact of strategic leadership, let’s explore a few notable examples:

1. Apple Inc.

Apple’s co-founder, Steve Jobs, was renowned for his strategic leadership. He had an unclouded vision for the company, driving innovation and creating a culture of excellence. His strategic decisions, like the development of the iPhone, revolutionised multiple industries.

2. Amazon

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has demonstrated exceptional strategic leadership. His long-term vision and customer-centric approach have made Amazon one of the most influential companies in the world.

3. Netflix

Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, transformed the entertainment industry with his strategic leadership. He shifted the company from a DVD rental service to a global streaming giant by anticipating market trends and evolving the business model accordingly.

4. Tesla

Elon Musk’s strategic leadership at Tesla is evident in the company’s mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. His ability to set audacious goals and rally his team towards them showcases the power of strategic thinking.

In conclusion, being a strategic leader is crucial in today’s business landscape. It involves having a clear vision, critical thinking, adaptability, and a focus on long-term success. The benefits of strategic leadership are numerous, including long-term success, competitive advantage, effective resource allocation, innovation, and enhanced decision-making. Conversely, not being strategic can result in disadvantages like short-term thinking, reactive decision-making, and missed opportunities.

Real-world examples of strategic leaders like Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Reed Hastings, and Elon Musk demonstrate the positive impact that strategic leadership can have on organizations. To thrive in an ever-changing world, aspiring leaders should cultivate the skills and mindset of a strategic leader. By doing so, they can steer their organisations toward a brighter, more sustainable future.

Now that you have a better understanding of strategic leadership and its importance, consider exploring additional resources on this topic. You can find more insights and guidance in the following blogs and websites:

  • Harvard Business Review: HBR often features articles on strategic leadership and effective management practices.
  • The Center for Creative Leadership: This organization specializes in leadership development and offers valuable content on strategic leadership.
  • Inc.com: Inc.com provides articles and advice on leadership, including strategic leadership best practices.
  • Forbes: Forbes covers various leadership topics, including those related to strategic leadership.

These resources can further enhance your knowledge of strategic leadership and help you become a more effective leader in your organisation.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.

Reducing Stress in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s no secret that workplaces can often be hubs of tension and anxiety. As the demands of our jobs rise, so do our stress levels. But why is it so important to tackle this issue head-on to reduce stress in the workplace, and how can we ensure our work environment promotes well-being and productivity? Let’s delve into the world of ‘reducing stress in the workplace’.

Workplaces: A Breeding Ground for Stress

Some industries and professions are naturally more stressful than others. Let’s explore a few:

  1. Healthcare: Medical professionals, be it doctors, nurses, or paramedics, face high-pressure situations daily. Dealing with life and death scenarios can take its toll.
  2. Law Enforcement: Police officers and detectives often encounter dangerous situations and must make split-second decisions that can have long-lasting impacts.
  3. Financial Services: Stockbrokers, for example, deal with vast amounts of money and need to make rapid decisions in a fluctuating market.
  4. Journalism: Deadlines, the hunt for a breaking story, and navigating through challenging terrains can be stressful for journalists.

Why Reducing Stress in the Workplace is Crucial

Stress isn’t just an individual’s problem; it’s an organisational concern. Here’s why addressing workplace stress is essential:

  1. Health Implications: Chronic stress is linked to numerous health issues, including heart disease, insomnia, and weakened immune systems.
  2. Productivity: Excessive stress can lead to decreased concentration and mistakes. This impacts both individual performance and the company’s bottom line.
  3. Retention Rates: High-stress levels lead to increased staff turnover, with companies facing the additional cost of hiring and training new employees.

Effective Strategies to Reduce Stress in the Workplace

Knowing the problem is only half the battle. Implementing solutions is key. Here are some strategies that organisations can employ:

  1. Flexible Working Hours: This allows employees to manage their time effectively, balancing work and personal commitments.
  2. Breaks: Encourage regular breaks. Even a short 5-minute walk can help in resetting and refreshing one’s mind.
  3. Open Communication Channels: Staff should feel they can talk about their concerns or challenges without fear of retribution.
  4. Professional Development: Training programmes that equip employees with the skills they need can reduce task-related stress.

Assessing Stress Levels in the Workplace

It’s crucial to understand the stress levels within an organisation. Here’s how to gauge:

  1. Surveys: Anonymous employee surveys can help gauge the overall mood and stress levels.
  2. Open Door Policy: When employees know they can speak freely with managers or HR, it’s easier to understand and address underlying issues.
  3. Monitor Absenteeism: Frequent sick leaves can be an indicator of high stress or burnout.
  4. Feedback Sessions: Regular feedback sessions can provide insights into areas causing undue stress.

Case Study: The XYZ Company Transformation

XYZ Company, a tech startup, was facing a high employee turnover rate in 2020. An internal survey revealed that 70% of the staff were experiencing high stress, mainly due to unrealistic deadlines and lack of clear communication from the management.

In 2021, the company implemented changes, such as flexible work hours, professional training sessions, and regular team-building activities. By mid-2022, not only did the turnover rate decrease by 40%, but the company also witnessed a 25% increase in overall productivity.

The Bright Side: Benefits of a Stress-free Workplace

A workplace that actively works to reduce stress enjoys numerous benefits:

  1. Higher Productivity: A stress-free employee is more likely to be focused, motivated, and efficient.
  2. Better Team Dynamics: Reduced stress levels often lead to improved collaboration and teamwork.
  3. Increased Loyalty: Employees are more likely to stay with a company that values their well-being.
  4. Enhanced Reputation: In the age of reviews and online forums, a company’s reputation as an employer matters. A stress-free environment can be a significant draw for top talent.


Stress in the workplace isn’t just an employee’s concern; it affects the very fabric of an organisation. Recognising the signs and actively implementing measures to counteract stress is not just a ‘nice-to-have’ but a necessity in today’s corporate landscape. As the case study demonstrates, the transformation from a high-stress environment to a supportive and understanding one can yield tangible, positive results. Reducing stress in the workplace isn’t a choice; it’s imperative.


At re:find we have been in Executive Search for over 20 years. We believe that recruitment is not a one-off transaction but rather a long-term partnership. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and advice to help them find and retain the best talent for their organisation.

In addition, as a business, we understand that every organisation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to recruitment. That’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you need help with a single hire or a full recruitment campaign, we can help.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service. As part of this, we ensure that we take the time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as the specific skills and experience needed for each role.

For more information on our executive search practice and our CCS framework
please get in touch with our Managing Director, James Cumming.