E-Book: Why top talent shuns big brands with world-class shared services.
Is that the message you are giving off to a passive candidate market?
With over 75% of shared services professionals passively looking (and not actively seeking) a new role, then it’s no wonder that it’s difficult to attract and retain the best talent!
Delivering the right message to shared services professionals
Candidates are being increasingly selective over their future employer, and considering that Monarch Airlines, Carillion, Toys R us, House of Fraser, and Maplin (just to name a few!) have gone into administration during the past year, why would you want to leave your cushy job where you’ve worked for years, and where Betty knows how to make the perfect cup of tea, for somewhere that isn’t as secure and may be at risk of joining all of the companies mentioned in the previous sentence?
It’s important that shared services give off the right message, follow the right process and keep up with their competitors when it comes to recruiting.
The most desired Shared Services assignments in the past 12 months that I’ve managed have been within newly created roles. But why is this?
Is it because there isn’t an expectation there, or because they feel the company are performing well by creating these new roles?
Newly created positions offer a chance for candidates to put their stamp on a role and make it their own. As these positions are created due to demand for a certain skillset within a business, they also provide candidates with a sense of feeling wanted and allows them to see these roles as a challenge and the chance to pursue something new.
It’s all about how you deliver the message, and how this message is perceived by your potential future employees!
So the big question is, how do you excite people to work for your shared service centre if the role is replacing someone who lacked motivation, was bored and didn’t enjoy coming into work….
It’s all in your message.
How you get this right in your Shared Services team!
And I have just the thing that can help you with this… In my free eBook, I examine the steps you can take to stay ahead in the field.
If you would like your free copy, email me at carl@refind.co.uk
You can view more about Carl Hinett our Shared Services Executive Search expert